blog author

SK Copy Co

So far, more than 1,100 businesses have signed up to support Worcestershire County Council’s Here2Help campaign – and SK Copy Co’s pleased to be one of them. Learn more about what this means right here.

blog author

Sanina Kaur

We grow up being told cheating’s not the right thing to do. On the whole, this is very true. But in some circumstances, it’s ok to break the rules a teeny tiny bit every now and then, and ‘cheat’ at some things, such as making sure your copy is spot on.

blog author

SK Copy Co

Sanina Kaur, Director of SK Copy Co, has been writing for more than 20 years. Such is her success and dedication to copywriting, that she caught the eye of fellow email marketing copywriter, Haris Halkic, who asked her to feature in his popular freelance copywriting interview series.

blog author

Sanina Kaur

What’s it really like to work with SK Copy Co? When you’ve given us a brief to write your next blog, brochure, email, e-newsletter, press release or press pack, and aren’t sure what to expect because you’ve not worked with us before? Wonder no more because this blog reveals all…

blog author

Sanina Kaur

There are times when writer’s block, brain freeze, whatever you want to call it, kicks in, and you’re sat there staring at your screen for what feels like days. Writer’s block happens to the best of us, at any time, professional content writers included. Here are some of the things we do to avoid and overcome it when it does strike.

blog author

Sanina Kaur

There’s a knack to providing a steady drip-feed of content your target audience wants to read. Mixing things up a bit by making sure your blogs don’t follow the same format helps them stay fresh and interesting. Here are 15 different ways you can package up your blog content so it’s always appealing.

blog author

Sanina Kaur

When it comes to content marketing, blogs are right up there in the copy production ranks. They’ve always been up there, but now they’re really up there. That’s because content is massive these days, with an increasing number of marketers ploughing much more of their time, focus and effort into content creation than ever before. Content truly IS king.

blog author

Sanina Kaur

Headlines are the most important part of your copy. Regardless of whether you’re writing a news article, eshot or newsletter, strong headlines encourage people to read on. According to advertising giant, David Ogilvy, ‘On average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy…’ Like most things in life, you’ve got to be prepared to invest time in working on your headlines.

blog author

SK Copy Co

Think about the last headline that gripped you. Whether it was online, on the TV, in your social media feed or on the front page of your local newspaper, it’ll have gripped you for a reason. It’s what good, strong headlines do, grab people’s attention, and stop them in their tracks. Learn how to perfect yours right here.

blog author

Sanina Kaur

Landing pages are an integral part of inbound marketing. Get them right and you’ll convert your website visitors into leads. Sounds simple, right? Well, yes, landing pages are straightforward, providing they contain the right type of content and design.