blog author

Sanina Kaur


Blogging, it’s been around for more than two centuries now, but yet many individuals and businesses still question its purpose.

Only the other day, one of my clients asked me about the business benefits of having a blog, and I could see what they were thinking, ‘What’s the point? it’s yet another thing I’ll have to regularly think about and I already don’t have enough time…’

I can’t help but think that while it may now be an established tactic (which I, like many others, now take for granted), many people are still sceptical of it and perceive it to be more of a trend rather than a powerful marketing tool.

The truth of the matter is that blogging is worth the time and effort

Regular blogging is a relatively straightforward and inexpensive way to generate widespread awareness, attract new customers, drive traffic to your website and position yourself as a leader within your field.

Still not convinced? Let me elaborate on some of those points.

Search engines thrive on new content. Every time you publish a blog, you’re creating another indexed page on your website. This increases your chances of showing up in Google and other search engines, particular if you’ve SEO-optimised your content.

According to Social Media Today, small businesses with blogs generate 126% more leads. So, blog on a regular basis and you’ll increase your search visibility and drive more traffic to your website.

Blogging is also a great way to gain credibility. Over time, blogging on subjects that are relevant and of use to your target audience, will help position you as the voice of authority within your area of expertise. It’s a really valuable way of standing out to readers without giving them the hard sell. Depending on what you choose to blog about, it can also give people a behind-the-scenes glimpse of your business, the type of organisation you are, your culture and your values.

Blogs are also really useful when it comes to getting your name out there in the vast world of social media. Every time you write a new post, you’re providing people with a reason to read about you and content they can share on their social networks. The real beauty of social sharing is that it can help raise awareness among new audiences that may not otherwise have necessarily found out about you.

Got any questions or want to find out more about the benefits of blogging? Want help with generating blog post ideas or writing blog content that will get people reading and sharing? If so, get in touch by completing the contact form, emailing me at sanina@skcopyco.com or calling me on 07810 636 748.

In the meantime, why not check out ‘Why it’s important to make your headlines count.’ Headlines really do matter, especially in today’s digitally-driven, fast-paced world. Get them wrong and you’ve lost your readers, but get them right and you could transform them into a new customer.

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