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SK Copy Co

Giving the next generation of copywriting and PR talent a real-life glimpse at what their chosen career is all about is something our Director, Sanina, always makes time for.

She’s also keen to make sure that all of the nuggets of wisdom she has collated over the years – 18 years spent working for employers and eight years running SK Copy Co – help aspiring copywriters and PR professionals get into their chosen career.

Birmingham City University mentoring


As part of this commitment, Sanina’s been a member of Birmingham City University’s Professional Mentoring Programme for the last four years. During this time, she’s received an award, Industry Mentor of the Year, following her work with her first mentee. (For the full details, read ‘BCU mentoring award for SK Copy Co’s Director.’)

At the time of writing this post, Sanina had just been paired with her latest mentee, an MA Media Production student, so watch this space!

Greater Birmingham Chamber of Commerce Future Faces


Just before Christmas, Sanina was also accepted to join the The Greater Birmingham Chamber of Commerce’s Future Faces programme, which is aimed at networking, developing and recognising young professionals from any sector across Greater Birmingham.

Sanina and her Future Faces mentee, a project manager for a business change consultancy, have had a couple of e-sessions and the relationship is developing well so far. Again, watch this space for further details!

What is the goal of professional mentorship?

Generally speaking, for mentees to learn and be inspired by their allocated mentors. Assigned mentors tend to be paired with their mentees based on their background and experience, providing relevant career-related advice and guidance, wherever possible. The level of support that is provided and the structure and formats involved vary from programme-to-programme. (For further insight, read this guidance from the National Careers Service).

What are the benefits of professional mentoring?

The benefits of professional mentoring are widespread for both parties, with the goals and objectives being shaped by both the mentor and mentee.

For mentees, mentoring:

  • Provides dedicated support from industry professionals
  • Shares a fresh perspective on their chosen career
  • Identifies their strengths and areas for development
  • Enables them to achieve something at the end of the programme
  • Increases their confidence

For mentors, mentoring:

  • Identifies future talent
  • Raises company and individual profiles
  • Promotes Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Develops mentoring skills
  • Helps future talent get ahead


If you would like mentoring support or are interested in becoming a mentor for one or both of the programmes, more details about Future Faces can be found here and further details about BCU’s Professional Mentoring Programme can be found here.


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