blog author

Sanina Kaur

Contrary to popular belief, ghostwriters aren’t just used by celebs and don’t just belong in the world of literature. These days, they’re being used by an increasing number of businesses who want to up their content game, but don’t have the time or resource to do it. For instance, we ghostwrite blogs and thought leadership articles for several clients every month.

blog author

Sanina Kaur

What do you want your readers to do once they’ve finished reading your piece of content? Download your ebook? Sign up for your next event? Or book a free consultation with you? It’s all very well and good you wanting them to do these things, but do they know it? Cue CTAs.

blog author

Sanina Kaur

With Halloween just around the corner, there’s no time like the present to make sure you don’t get caught out by any nasty surprises involving your content.

blog author

Sanina Kaur

Headlines are the most important part of your copy. Regardless of whether you’re writing a news article, eshot or newsletter, strong headlines encourage people to read on. According to advertising giant, David Ogilvy, ‘On average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy…’ Like most things in life, you’ve got to be prepared to invest time in working on your headlines.

blog author

SK Copy Co

Think about the last headline that gripped you. Whether it was online, on the TV, in your social media feed or on the front page of your local newspaper, it’ll have gripped you for a reason. It’s what good, strong headlines do, grab people’s attention, and stop them in their tracks. Learn how to perfect yours right here.

blog author

Sanina Kaur

Identifying who your personas are means you can better understand their buyer journey because you’ve identified key information about them, such as their pain points and challenges. Being armed with this level of insight enables you to produce and segment content that talks directly to your personas and grabs their attention.