blog author

SK Copy Co

Shortly after launching SK Copy Co, Sanina Kaur was invited by leading Midlands-based recruitment agency, Pitch, to feature in their popular Freelance Life blog series.

This is what she has to say about freelance life:

We are rolling into another #FreelanceLife week and straight into Chapter 3 featuring the wonderful Sanina. 

A PR Consultant and Copywriter, Sanina is highly experienced with two decades’ writing experience under her belt.  She’s been writing since the age of 17, when she first started out as a trainee reporter at her local newspaper and has never looked back. Having experience in agencies, in-house and journalism, Sanina offers a great insight into what it’s like to be a Freelance PR/Copywriter.

Over to you Sanina….

1. What is your favourite thing about being a Freelancer?

My favourite thing…being able to pick and choose who I work with and not having to ask for permission to take any time off! (Sorry, that’s two!)

2. What is your least favourite thing about being a Freelancer?

Working in isolation. Some days it can be great if I’m working on a technical piece of copy, an urgent deadline or am proofreading and need to get my head down and concentrate without any distractions. However, there are times when it can get a little bit lonely, especially as I spent 17 years working in busy newsrooms and creative environments before going freelance.

3. What skills are essential for a Freelancer?

Good question – I’d have to say confidence and self-belief. You also need to be organised, self-motivated, determined to succeed, have a clear vision of what you want to achieve and have the skills to make it happen. So, in my case, it would be excellent writing and PR skills.

4. On average, what time do you start and finish work? What does your day look like?

I tend to start at 7.30am and finish at about 6pm. I also work most weekends too, fortunately for me, I love what I do so I don’t see it as work! However, I do recognise that I need to work on not working quite so much!

No two days are the same, although they’re always spent writing all sorts of content for my retained clients and ad hoc projects and generating lots of great PR coverage for individuals and businesses too.

5. How often do you work remotely?

Most of the time, although I do get to work from some of my clients’ offices quite a bit, which helps mix things up and gives me a change of scenery. They’re great clients and I really enjoy being in the office working alongside them and being a ‘real’ part of the team!

6. What do you wish someone had told you when you were starting out?

Don’t take it personally if a piece of work you’ve pitched for doesn’t come your way.

7. Would you ever consider going for a permanent position?

At this moment in time, no. I spent 17 years working in permanent positions before deciding to go freelance so feel that I’ve done my stint!

8. What is the most standout memory from your freelance career?

Hmmm, there so many! I guess it would have to be the first new client meeting that I went to. The meeting went really well and confirmed to me that I’d make the right decision and freelancing was definitely the direction I would be going in from now on. It was a real defining moment for me, as it was the first time I’d gone out there, standing on my own two feet as the Director of SK Copy Co, not as somebody’s employee.

9. What type of music best represents your freelance state of mind? Metal, Hip Hop, Classical?

It would have to be dance music – I work at a fast pace and get a real buzz from my work because I enjoy it so much!

To find out more about working with the wonderful Sanina get in touch with Paula.  Don’t forget you can still read our previous chapters with Marcus and Tim now.

Check back for chapter 4 of #FreelanceLife with Graphic Designer Kitty and we have a special feature as #FreelanceLife goes on the road, to Glug Birmingham.

As always if you want to share your #FreelanceLife you can! Just drop us a line.

See you next time,

FreelanceLife Team x

**See the original story on Pitch’s website.**

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