blog author

Sanina Kaur


Knowing what to blog about can be a real headache, especially if you’re putting out several new blog posts a week.

Before you know it, you or one of your team are staring at their screen once again wondering what to blog about this time around. It can be a real chore, particularly if you’re not working to a content plan and are taking more of a flexible approach to deciding what you write about.

Some days, you can instantly think of an angle or may already have a nugget of an idea in your head that you can immediately crack on with. While other days, you can really struggle to decide how your post is going to pan out, regardless of how much Googling for inspiration you do.

There’s no denying there’s a real knack to providing a steady drip-feed of content that your target audience a) wants to read and b) doesn’t sound too samey.

Mixing things up a bit by making sure your blog posts don’t follow the same format will help them stay fresh and interesting. Here are 15 different ways you could choose to package up your blog content, many of which I’ve used for myself and my clients over the years:

  1. How-to tutorials.
  2. Problem-solving.
  3. Photos.
  4. Reports.
  5. Reviews.
  6. Cheat sheets.
  7. Videos.
  8. Case studies.
  9. Checklists.
  10. FAQs.
  11. Useful links lists.
  12. Timelines.
  13. Interviews.
  14. Behind-the-scenes.
  15. Research.

This list is a snapshot of some of the many ways you could choose to present your blog content differently. First and foremost, you need to be clear about what you’re writing about and how it’s going to engage with your readers, then decide on the best format afterwards.

You don’t have to overdo it either. It’s ok to still put out more ‘standard’ blog posts and intersperse them with different content types here and there. The main thing is that what you’re saying resonates with your target personas because they aren’t going to read your blog posts if they’re not relevant to them, no matter what format they’re in.

I hope you’ve found this post useful. I’m guessing that you have a business blog, but if you haven’t and are toying with the idea for some reason, check out this post, ‘Ten reasons to blog.’

In the meantime, if you have any questions or would like to discuss your blog requirements with me, contact me on or by completing the contact form.

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